Xem tất cả cảm nhận playlist222

5 cảm nhận của thành viên

Alamanda Bud 05-07-2010
id pll 222, số đẹp, nhiều ý nghĩa nữa :D
ファット 17-09-2009
Nguyện cho còn mãi ngàn sau
Nhẫn kia có cặp, người trao nghĩa tình
Alamanda Bud 14-09-2009
Câu nói ai cũng mong dc nghe, cả đời người có mấy lần chứ? ^^!
Alamanda Bud 16-09-2009
It's been a while and now i know
That i can never ever let you go
From the first time we met and your first hello
I knew you're the one where my heart will grow

You are my dream..the angel from the sky
Who showed me what life is and how I can cry
How I can have someone who I can always rely
To be there forever and never say goodbye

The one I can hug when I am in need
The one who give love.. that no one can exceed
The one who'll shed tears ...if my heart ever bleed
The one I have wanted..to share my life with...

So,Now i ask you this ...will please you take my hand
And be the person... who will always understand
I want to grow old with you..i'm down in one knee
You're the only one I'll ask..."will you marry me?"...
Oll 14-09-2009