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3 cảm nhận của thành viên

Chikarin 21-07-2009
Choa thì cí cô bé Cleopatra Stratan này mới có 7 tủi thôi á . Sn 2002 mà .^o^. Bài gì mà cute thế chứ ..
viduEYA 21-07-2009
Bai` hat' na`y de~ thuong qua' . ca si~ hat' ba`i nay` nghe cung~ de^~ thuong ghe a'
vjtkon_kute 10-05-2009

I have a big dog and a good kitten
I feed them, but once in a while
For them not to see me when they go to sleep
I play with the kitten's tail, but i'm afraid of the dog
When the dog barks, around it
Every stone breaks in four and the kitten is gone

But the dog seems different than the kitten, it has a big snout, like dogs do
Life is more beautiful when i play with it
But the kitten is very jealous of the dog
And beacuse i don't want to upset the kitten even more
I've promised it to buy a dog, but a mute one.
***hok být lời này có đúng hok nữa cơ****