Top đạt điểm 100% bài này

Vừa mới đạt 100%
1. thuypb88 04-09-2022
A Little Love
2. buithanhtrung1990200 26-11-2021
No Promises
3. buithanhtrung1990200 26-11-2021
Tears In Heaven
4. leminhtam0911445801 28-07-2021
Miss You
5. davidalaba22234 01-03-2021
Tears In Heaven
6. huong.uet0122 29-07-2020
No Promises
7. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Take Me To Your Heart
8. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
9. trinhkimhung89 12-06-2019
10. nguyenthithanhhuong 01-10-2018

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Đêm qua,
Anh đã thốt ra lời gian dối cuối cùng

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Xóa bỏ anh

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Quay lại trang chủ | Luyện nghe Bài Hát

Delete You - Ashley Tisdale

Trợ giúp - Xem Lời Dịch - Xem Video - Báo lỗi
 It's  time to
Give us one more (I don't think so)
Last night you
Said your one lie

I can't you wreck my plans
I'm planning to let go
Oh, only one thing true
Only one thing to

to, delete you
Burning up, all your
Tearing all your letters
Ripping up, your sweaters
This is, this is the better
up, all your tires
up, all your flowers
Grabbing back, all power
Cause this is one reason
I need you, delete you
Oh, oh, delete oh, oh

It's not time
Say how much you care (I don't think
I want you
I want you not

I'm done
I think the time's come
To bring thing to an end
think this could be goodbye
Think ran out of time

to, delete you
Burning up, all your
Tearing up, all letters
Ripping up, all sweaters
This is, this is the better
up, all your tires
Smashing up, all your
Grabbing back, all power
this is one more reason
To delete you

All want from you
Is for you to
I need from you
Is for you not be here
I guess it's time you got news
Gonna replace erase you
Delete delete you

Oh, oh, delete
oh, oh delete you

Burning up, all pictures
up, all your letters
Ripping up, all sweaters
is, this is for the better
Slashing up, all your
Smashing all your flowers
Grabbing back, all power
Cause this is one more
To delete you

Ashley Tisdale

- A Night To Remember (HSM3) - Ashley Tisdale
- He Said She Said - Ashley Tisdale
- Time After Time - Ashley Tisdale
- It's Alright, It's OK - Ashley Tisdale
- Love me for me - Ashley Tisdale

Teen Pop

- 7 Things - Miley Cyrus
- Too Little Too Late - JoJo
- Don't Forget - Demi Lovato
- He Said She Said - Ashley Tisdale
- Kiss You - One Direction