Top đạt điểm 100% bài này

Vừa mới đạt 100%
1. thuypb88 04-09-2022
A Little Love
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No Promises
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Tears In Heaven
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Miss You
5. davidalaba22234 01-03-2021
Tears In Heaven
6. huong.uet0122 29-07-2020
No Promises
7. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Take Me To Your Heart
8. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
9. trinhkimhung89 12-06-2019
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Quay lại trang chủ | Luyện nghe Bài Hát

High Voltage (Remix) - Linkin Park

Trợ giúp - Xem Lời Dịch - Xem Video - Báo lỗi
 You know what  mean?
could put a label on a life,
Put label on a lifestyle


You know?
Put a label on how you up every morning
And go bed at night


I've been into crates ever since I was livin' in space
Before the race, before monkeys had human traits
I mastered numerology and big bang
Performed lobotomies with psychology
the mic so I could start blessin' it
Chin checkin' kids make my point like an impressionist
Many men have tried to us
But I twist mic cords in helixes and show them what I'm made of
I buckle like leg braces
the spell of instrumental-ness and all of you emcees who hate us
So you can on,
Leave you a shoulder to cry on
From now to infinity let icons be
I fire bomb ghostly haunt this
tried threats but moved on to a promise
I stomp shit or without an accomplice
run the gauntlet with whoever that wants this

High Voltage
The Unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing up and taking you down
High Voltage
Coming at you from every
High Voltage
Making the and rhyme collide


I put a kink in the of clones with microphones
satisfy my rhyme jones
Sprayin' bright day over what you say
My Blood type's Technicolor type A
On highways with road rage
Cages of and cages of tin that bounce all around

Surround Sound

Devouring the scene
Subliminal gangrene paintings
Over while same thing
Sing song karaoke bullshit
Break bones verbally with sticks and stone
dimension, combat convention
Write rhymes at ease while the stands at attention
Meant to put you with the pencil
Pistol, official, 16 line rhyme missile
While you risk all, I pick out all your flaws
Spin rah, blah, blah
can say you saw

High Voltage
The Unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing up and taking you down
High Voltage
Coming at you every side
High Voltage
Making the rhythm and rhyme

High Voltage
The Unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing you up and taking down
High Voltage
Coming you from every side
High Voltage
Making the rhythm rhyme collide

like the rock and rap
You know what mean
People act like know
Wow that's new invention
That brand new
We're constantly evolving
It constantly changing


There's a of change
Everybody's always up with
There no label for this shit
They're always try to put a label on it
Try to create
So they can water it

I feel like a prophet
Under the gun a new disease

I feel like a prophet
the gun like a new disease

High Voltage
The Unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing you up taking you down
High Voltage
Coming at from every side
High Voltage
Making the and rhyme collide

High Voltage
The Unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing you up and taking you
High Voltage
Coming you from every side
High Voltage
Making the and rhyme collide

High Voltage
The Unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing you up and taking you
High Voltage
Coming at you from every
High Voltage
the rhythm and rhyme collide

High Voltage
The Unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing up and taking you down
High Voltage
at you from every side
High Voltage
Making rhythm and rhyme collide

You know what mean?
You could put a label a lifestyle

Linkin Park

- In The End - Linkin Park
- Numb - Linkin Park
- New Divide - Linkin Park
- What I've Done - Linkin Park
- Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park

Nu Metal

- Runaway - Linkin Park
- Burning In The Skies - Linkin Park
- Pushing Me Away - Linkin Park
- Qwerty - Linkin Park
- With You - Linkin Park