Top đạt điểm 100% bài này

Vừa mới đạt 100%
1. thuypb88 04-09-2022
A Little Love
2. buithanhtrung1990200 26-11-2021
No Promises
3. buithanhtrung1990200 26-11-2021
Tears In Heaven
4. leminhtam0911445801 28-07-2021
Miss You
5. davidalaba22234 01-03-2021
Tears In Heaven
6. huong.uet0122 29-07-2020
No Promises
7. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Take Me To Your Heart
8. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
9. trinhkimhung89 12-06-2019
10. nguyenthithanhhuong 01-10-2018

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Quay lại trang chủ | Luyện nghe Bài Hát

New Perspective - Panic! At the Disco

Trợ giúp - Xem Lời Dịch - Xem Video - Báo lỗi
 I feel the salty waves  in
I them crash against my skin
And I smile as I respire because I they'll never win
There's a haze above my
changes everything I see
And if I continue watching
I'll the traits that worry me

Can we fast-forward to go down on
Stop there let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a perspective
You along because I love your face
And I'll admire your expensive
And who cares divine
I wanna be praised from a new
But leaving now would be a idea
So catch me up on out of here

Taking everything for granted but we still respect the
We move along with some new passion knowing is fine
And would wait and watch the hours fall in a hundred separate lines
But I regain repose and wonder how I up inside

Can fast-forward to go down on me?
Stop there let me correct it
I wanna live a life from a new
You come because I love your face
And I'll admire expensive taste
And cares divine intervention
I be praised from a new perspective
But leaving now would be good idea
So catch me up on out of here
out of here)

More to the point, I need to
How much I can come go
plans fell through
And put a load on you
I know there's no that need be said
When I'm inching your bed
a look around instead and watch me go

Stop there and let me correct
I wanna live a life from a new
come along because I love your face
And I'll admire your taste
And who cares divine
I wanna be praised a new perspective
leaving now would be a good idea
catch me up on getting out of here

It's not fair, just me perfect it
Don't wanna live a that was comprehensive
'Cause seeing clear be a bad idea
catch me up on getting out of here
So catch up I'm getting out of here

Panic! At the Disco

- That Green Gentleman - Panic! At the Disco
- The Ballad of Mona Lisa - Panic! At the Disco
- Nine In The Afternoon - Panic! At the Disco
- Northern Downpour - Panic! At the Disco
- Mad As Rabbits - Panic! At The Disco


- Forever And One - Helloween
- Forever - Stratovarius
- In The End - Linkin Park
- When You Cry - Vertical Horizon
- Alone - Avril Lavigne