Top đạt điểm 100% bài này

Vừa mới đạt 100%
1. thuypb88 04-09-2022
A Little Love
2. buithanhtrung1990200 26-11-2021
No Promises
3. buithanhtrung1990200 26-11-2021
Tears In Heaven
4. leminhtam0911445801 28-07-2021
Miss You
5. davidalaba22234 01-03-2021
Tears In Heaven
6. huong.uet0122 29-07-2020
No Promises
7. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Take Me To Your Heart
8. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
9. trinhkimhung89 12-06-2019
10. nguyenthithanhhuong 01-10-2018

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Quay lại trang chủ | Luyện nghe Bài Hát

On My Way - Phil Collins

Trợ giúp - Xem Lời Dịch - Xem Video - Báo lỗi
 Tell everybody I'm on  way
New friends and places to see
With blue ahead yes
I'm on my
And there's else
that rather be

Tell everybody I'm my way
And I'm loving every step I
With the sun beating
I'm on my way
And I keep this smile off my face

there's nothing like seeing
each other again
matter what the distance between
And the that we tell
will make smile
Oh it really my heart

So tell 'em all I'm on my
New and new places to see
And to sleep the stars
Who could ask for
With the moon watch over me

Not snow, not the rain
Can my mind
The sun will come wait and see
And the of the wind in your face
Can lift heart
Oh nowhere I would rather be

'Cause I'm my way now-
well and truly
on my way now

on my way now)
(I'm my way now)
(I'm on my now)

Tell everybody I'm on my
And just can't wait to be there
blue skies ahead
Yes, I'm my way
And nothing but good times share

tell everybody I'm on my way
And I just wait to be home
With sun beating down yes
I'm my way
And nothing good times to show
on my way

I'm on my way

Phil Collins

- You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins
- Separate Lives (ft. Marilyn Martin) - Phil Collins
- Against All Odds - Phil Collins
- Another Day In Paradise - Phil Collins
- True Colors - Phil Collins

- 3月9日 / Sangatsu Kokonoka/ Mùng 9 tháng 3 - Remioromen / レミオロメン
- Only Love - TradeMark
- Hello - Lionel Richie
- Yesterday Once More - The Carpenters
- Apologize (ft. Timbaland) - One Republic