Top đạt điểm 100% bài này

Vừa mới đạt 100%
1. thuypb88 04-09-2022
A Little Love
2. buithanhtrung1990200 26-11-2021
No Promises
3. buithanhtrung1990200 26-11-2021
Tears In Heaven
4. leminhtam0911445801 28-07-2021
Miss You
5. davidalaba22234 01-03-2021
Tears In Heaven
6. huong.uet0122 29-07-2020
No Promises
7. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Take Me To Your Heart
8. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
9. trinhkimhung89 12-06-2019
10. nguyenthithanhhuong 01-10-2018

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Quay lại trang chủ | Luyện nghe Bài Hát

Snow Bird - Anne Murray

Trợ giúp - Xem Lời Dịch - Xem Video - Báo lỗi
 Beneath it's snowy mantle cold  clean,
The unborn grass lies waiting for its coat to to green.
snowbird sings the song he always sings,
speaks to me of flowers that will bloom again in spring.
When I was young my heart was young too.
And anything that it would tell me, that's the that I would do.
But I feel such emptiness within,
For the thing that I want most in life's the thing I can't win.

Spread your tiny wings fly away,
And take the snow back with you where it came from that day.
one I love forever is untrue,
And if I could you know that I would fly with you.

The along the river seems to say,
That he'll only break my heart again should I decide stay.
So, little snowbird, take me with you you go,
To that land of gentle breezes the peaceful waters flow.

Spread your tiny wings fly away,
And take the snow back with you it came from on that day.
The one I love forever is
And if I could you know that I would fly away you.
Yeah, if I could I know that I would fly with you.

Anne Murray

- You Needed Me - Anne Murray
- I'll Always Love You - Anne Murray
- I Just Fall In Love Again - Anne Murray
- Broken Hearted Me - Anne Murray
- Nobody Loves Me Like You Do - Anne Murray

- 3月9日 / Sangatsu Kokonoka/ Mùng 9 tháng 3 - Remioromen / レミオロメン
- Only Love - TradeMark
- Hello - Lionel Richie
- Yesterday Once More - The Carpenters
- Apologize (ft. Timbaland) - One Republic