天灰 / 天灰 / Trời Âm U - S.H.E

Bản dịch của: Pe tho sun rang

ru guo ni bu zai chu xian/wo de shi jie/hai you she me ke gui

ke xi bu gou shi jian/rang wo men shi yan/she me jiao yong yuan

xiang nian bian chen huai nian/xin tong bian cheng xin sui

pian pian hai hui guan qie/ni zhui hou shu yu shui

wo de tian kong jin tian you dian hui

wo de xin shi ge luo ye de ji jie

wo bu zhi dao ru he du guo jin jie

shou you de teng zao yi jing quan dou xi mie

ru guo ni cong mei chu xian/wo hui bu hui/jue de kuai le yi xie

ke xi chan ren shi jian/zhong yao ba nuo yan/yi dian dian chui hui
^^Bản tiếng anh đấy ạh^^
If you don't appear again

In my world; what else is precious?

Pity the time is not enough

To let us text; what is forever

thinking of you becomes cherishing the memory

Wanting to like you becomes heartbreak

Unluckily i still care about you

Who will you belong to in the end

Today, my sky is a little dark

My heart is a season of fallen leaves

I don't know how to spend tonight

Every lights; are all already off

If you have never appeared

will I; feeling a bit happier?

Always wants to destroy the promise bit by bit

1 bản dịch khác

Pe tho sun.