My Soldier - Aj Rafael

Bản dịch của: babybanana2610

When you're feeling sad and blue, don't you know that I will always,
Be here for you.
When everything just makes us go out of our minds, just know that I will always,
Have the time for you.
You say that I am your influence. You should know that you inspire me.
Now until the end.
I'll help you get through the thick and thin and I know you'll remember when.
I say.

You are strong, strong as a soldier. Even when winds are tough you'll always keep it together. You are strong, strong as a soldier. I know you'll get through anything. 'Cause you're strong, strong, strong as a soldier.

When the waves are crashing down. Can't get up. Just know I'll,
Pick you up from the ground.
When it feels like everything goes wrong, just remember to listen to this song.

You are strong, strong as a soldier. Even when winds are tough you'll always keep it together. You are strong, strong as a soldier. I know you'll get through anything. 'Cause you're strong, strong, strong as a soldier.

Don't you worry about the obsticles to your happiness. If you let them get to you, you'll endure just like the rest. I know your'e better than those people who get in the way. Just remember what I always say.

You are strong, strong as a soldier. Even when winds are tough you'll always keep it together. You are strong, strong as a soldier. I know you'll get through anything. 'Cause you're strong, strong, strong as a soldier. You are are strong, strong, strong as a soldier. Strong, strong, strong as a soldier.
khi anh cam thay buon va chan nan, anh co biet rang em se luon luon
ben canh anh.

khi tat ca moi thu nhu lam cho chung ta mat tat ca nhung gi thuoc ve minh, thi anh hay biet la em van luon luon

danh thoi gian cho anh.
anh noi rang em la nguoi co anh huong den anh.anh nen biet la anh da truyen cam hung cho em

bay gio va cho den khi ket thuc.
em se giup anh vuot qua kho khan va yeu duoi va
em biet rang anh se luon nho nhung khi em noi.

anh that manh me, manh me nhu mot nguoi linh. chi khi co con gio den, anh se luon cung giu chat no.

em biet anh se vuot qua tat ca. boi vi anh rat manh me, manh me, manh me nhu mot nguoi linh.

khi nhung con song ap den.khong the dung day duoc. thi hay biet rang em se
do anh day tu bun dat.
khi cam thay moi thu nhu dang lua doi, hay nho lang nghe bai hat nay

anh co lo lang ve nhung hanh phuc cua anh.neu anh de chung roi xa anh, anh se chiu dung nhu mot loi tuyen bo.em biet anh tot hon nhung nguoi con trai khac.hay nho rang nhung gi em luon noi

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