大城小愛 / Da Cheng Xiao Ai / Big City Small Love - Wang Lee Hom / 王力宏 / Vương Lực Hoành

Bản dịch của: quynh14_11

烏黑的髪尾 盤成一個圏 纏繞所有對妳的眷戀
wu hei de fa wei pan cheng yi ge juan
chan rao suo you dui ni de juan lian
隔著半透明門簾 嘴裡説的語言 完全沒有欺騙
ge zhu ban tou ming men lian zui li shuo de yu yan
wan quan mei you qi pian

屋頂灰色瓦片 安静的畫面 燈火是妳美麗那張臉
wu ding hui se wa pian an jing de hua mian
deng huo shi ni mei li na zhang lian
終於找到所有流浪終點 妳的微笑結束了 疲倦
zhong yu zhao dao suo you liu lang zhong dian
ni de wei xiao jie shu le pi juan

千萬不要説天長地久 免得妳感覚我不切實際
qian wan bu yao shuo tian chang di jiu
mian de ni gan jue wo bu qie shi ji
想多縻簡單 就多縻簡單 是媽媽告訴我的哲理
xiang duo mo jian dan jiu duo mo jian dan
shi ma ma gao su wo de zhe li

腦袋都是妳 心裡都是妳
nao dai dou shi ni xin li dou shi ni
xiao xiao dei ai zai da cheng li hao tian mi
唸的都是妳 全部都是妳
nian de dou shi ni quan bu dou shi ni
小小的愛 在大城裡只妳傾心
xiao xiao de ai zai da cheng li zhi ni qing xin

烏黑的髪尾 盤成一個圏 纏繞所有對妳的眷戀
wu hei de fa wei pan cheng yi ge juan
chan rao suo you dui ni de juan lian
終於找到所有流浪終點 妳的微笑結束了疲倦
zhōng yū zhǎo dào suŏ yŏu liú làng zhōng diǎn
nǐ de wēi xiào jié shù le pí juàn

千萬不要説天長地久 免得妳感覚我不切實際
qian wan bu yao shuo tian chang di jiu
mian de ni gan jue wo bu qie shi ji
想多縻簡單 就多縻簡單 譲我大聲地對妳説 I'm thinking of you.
xiang duo mo jian dan jiu duo mo jian dan
rang wo da sheng de dui ni shuo

那回程的票根 妳留做記念
na hui cheng de piao gen ni liu zuo ji nian
bu bi hai pa mian dui li bie
剪掉一束頭髪 譲我放在胸前
jian diao yi shu tou fa rang wo fang zai xiong qian
走到哪裡有妳陪 相随
zou dao na li you ni pei xiang sui

烏黑的髪尾 盤成一個圏 纏繞所有對妳的眷戀
wu hei de fa wei pan cheng yi ge juan
chan rao suo you dui ni de juan lian
那一種寸前歩不離的感覚 我知道就叫做永遠
na yi zhong cun qian bu bu li de gan jue
wo zhi dao jiu jiao zuo yong yuan
Your black ponytail is twisted in a circle,
intertwining all your concerns about love.
Dividing half-transparent door curtains, the language spoken from your mouth
tells the whole truth

The roof\'s gray tiles, a silent picture
The lights mirror that beautiful face of yours
Finally reach the destination that all wanderers reach
Your smile ends my exhaustion

Please don\'t say that we\'ll last forever
to avoid your thinking that I am dishonest
If you think it\'s that simple, then it will be that simple
that\'s the philosophy my mother told me

You\'re on my mind, you\'re in my heart
a little love in a big city is so sweet
You\'re everything I read, everything is about you
a little love in a big city, for you I pour out my heart

Please don\'t say that we\'ll last forever
to avoid your thinking that I am dishonest
If you think it\'s that simple, then it will be that simple
Let me tell you loudly, I\'m thinking of you

You keep that return-trip ticket stub as a souvenir
You don\'t need to be afraid of facing departure
Cut off a piece of your hair, let me hold it against my chest
No matter where I go you\'ll be with me, following me

Your black ponytail is twisted in a circle,
intertwining all your concerns about love.
That feeling of taking small steps, unable to leave
I know is called \"forever\"

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