Top đạt điểm 100% bài này

Vừa mới đạt 100%
1. thuypb88 04-09-2022
A Little Love
2. buithanhtrung1990200 26-11-2021
No Promises
3. buithanhtrung1990200 26-11-2021
Tears In Heaven
4. leminhtam0911445801 28-07-2021
Miss You
5. davidalaba22234 01-03-2021
Tears In Heaven
6. huong.uet0122 29-07-2020
No Promises
7. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Take Me To Your Heart
8. anxuanvu 11-11-2019
Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
9. trinhkimhung89 12-06-2019
10. nguyenthithanhhuong 01-10-2018

Chuyện xưa kể rằng thuở miền viễn Tây hoang dã
Một bà mẹ thấy con mình trong cảnh ngắm súng
Hắn có thể bắn khẩu súng của cha hắn như mũi tên thẳng
Hắn vật lộn với những con rắn chuông trước khi đi
Hắn đã lớn nhanh cùng sự gan góc bạo dạn
Và hắn có tính can trường, trí thông minh
Mẹ hắn gọi hắn là William đến lúc lớn rồi thôi
Và phần còn lại của chuyện, hắn được biết như là Thằng Nhóc Billy

Tôi đã tóm cậu trong tầm ngắm, tầm tay bấy lâu
Cậu đã đi đâu? Tôi không biết
Tôi đã quanh quẩn chốn này chờ đợi bấy lâu nay
Và tôi sẽ chờ đợi cậu

Hắn cứng cỏi như đinh, xông xáo vào quán rượu
Bỏ lỡ một ánh mắt, súng khai hỏa trong ánh trăng
Hắn hét đám đông: “Tao đây không thích ồn ào
Thấy đấy, tao đang tìm đường tẩu thoát, ai trông như thế!”
Và hắn đ
Đóng lại
Xem toàn bộ bài hát

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Quay lại trang chủ | Luyện nghe Bài Hát

Billy The Kid - Dia Frampton

Trợ giúp - Xem Lời Dịch - Xem Video - Báo lỗi
 Now once upon a time when the West was 
A saw her son was a sight to behold
He could shoot daddy's gun like a straight arrow
He wrestled with the before he walked
Ya, he grew fast with a hardened grit
And he had the pluck and had the wit
Ya his mamma called him till he up and quit
And in these here parts known as Billy the Kid

I've had you in my my arms for so long
did you go? I didn't know
I've been around here waiting so long, so long
And I'll wait for

He was as tough as barging in the saloon
Missing an eye, gun glowed in the
He called to the crowd, "I don't want no fuss.
See, I'm looking a runaway, who looks like this!"
And he slammed the paper down, it was in dust,
But the crowd kept silent, sure, he looked tough,
But they the portrait well, and they knew not to,
Mess with Billy the Kid and his gang thugs

I've had you in my sights, my arms for so
Where did you go? I know.
I've been around here waiting for so long, so
And wait for you

I've had you in my sights, my arms for so
Where did you I didn't know.
I've been around here waiting so long, so long
And I'll wait you

The sheriff knocked on the door a pretty girl
Tipped his hat, said, "We gotta have look around.
We'll give you cash if you off the fugitive."
bit her lip, she was in love and acted clueless.
He grabbed her arm and said, "We heard you been a
him up, I give my word I'll keep your name clean."
She 'em clear of the cracks in the floorboards and
Said, "You'll never find you'll never find him!"

I've had you in my sights, my for so long
Where you go? I didn't know
I've been around waiting for so long, so long
And I'll wait for

I've had you in my my arms for so long
Where did you go? I know
I've been around waiting for so long, so long
And I'll wait you

Dia Frampton

- Walk Away - Dia Frampton
- The Broken Ones - Dia Frampton
- Daniel - Dia Frampton
- Billy The Kid - Dia Frampton
- Isabella - Dia Frampton


- Take Me To Your Heart - Michael Learns To Rock
- A Little Love - Fiona Fung
- The Day You Went Away - M2M
- No Promises - Shayne Ward
- Happy New Year - ABBA