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Centuries - Fall Out Boy

Trợ giúp - Xem Lời Dịch - Xem Video - Báo lỗi
Du du du du-du du
Du du du du-du du du

Some legends told
Some turn dust or to gold
you will remember me
Remember for centuries
And just one
Is all it will
We'll go in history
Remember me centuries
Hey, hey, hey
Remember me centuries

Mummified my dreams
No, it's nothing with me
The are all wrong,
The story's all
metal broke my heart

Come come on and let me in
The bruises on thighs like my fingerprints
this is supposed to match
darkness that you felt
I never meant for you to fix

legends are told
Some turn to or to gold
But you will remember
me for centuries
And one mistake
Is all it will
go down in history
Remember for centuries
Hey, hey, hey
Remember for centuries

And I can't stop 'til the whole world knows my
'Cause I was only born inside dreams
Until you die for me, as long as is a light, my shadow's over you
'Cause I am the of amnesia
And you're a blossom
You're about bloom
You look so pretty, but you're so soon

legends are told
Some turn to dust to gold
But you remember me
Remember me for
And one mistake
Is all it will
We'll down in history
me for centuries
Hey, hey, hey
Remember me for

We've here forever
And here's frozen proof
could scream forever
We are the youth

legends are told
Some turn to dust to gold
But you remember me
Remember for centuries
just one mistake
all it will take.
We'll go down history
me for centuries
Hey, hey, hey
Remember me for

go down in history
me for centuries

Fall Out Boy

- I'm Like a Lawyer With the Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You) - Fall Out Boy
- Centuries - Fall Out Boy
- Immortals (OST Big Hero 6) - Fall Out Boy
- I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy
- My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) - Fall Out Boy


- Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson
- Viva La Vida - Coldplay
- When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars
- Take Me To The Church - Hozier
- Chandelier - Sia