My Life Would Suck Without You - Kelly Clarkson

Bản dịch của: ZzSillyPrIncEsSzZ

Guess this means you’re sorry
You’re standing at my door
Guess this means you take back
What you said before
Like how much you wanted
Anyone but me
Said you’d never come back
But here you are again
Cuz we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you
Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for tryin’ to pick a fight
I know that I’ve got issues
But you’re pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out I’m nothing without you
Cuz we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you
Being with you is so dysfunctional
I really shouldn’t miss you, but I can’t let go
Oh yeah
Cuz we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly
My life would suck without you
Em doan day co nghia la anh dang xin loi
Anh dang dung o cua nha em
Em doan rang day co nghia la anh lay lai
Nhung loi anh noi truoc day
Nhu anh da muon rat nhieu
Bat cu ai, nhung em
Noi rang anh da khong bao gio tro lai
Nhung anh lai o day lan nua
Vi chung ta thuoc ve nhau
Bang cach nao do chung ta thong nhat tai day
Anh la manh ghep khong the thieu cua em
Va thuc ra ma noi
Cuoc doi em von khong the thieu anh
Co le em da qua ngu ngoc khi noi voi anh cau tam biet
Co le em da sai khi co gang gay su
Em biet la em da chien thang
Nhung anh co tot dep gi hon
Dau sao di nua, em se can cu vao dau neu thieu vang anh
Vi chung ta thuoc ve nhau
Bang cach nao do chung ta thong nhat tai day
Anh la manh ghep khong the thieu cua em
Va thuc ra ma noi
Cuoc doi em von khong the thieu anh
Hien tai voi anh la su hoat dong khac thuong
Em that su khong nen nho anh , nhung em lai chang the de anh ra di
Oh yeah
Vi chung ta thuoc ve nhau
Bang cach nao do chung ta thong nhat tai day
Anh la manh ghep khong the thieu cua em
Va thuc ra ma noi
Cuoc doi em von khong the thieu anh

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