「さあ、ひざまずきなさい!」 むかしむかしあるところに 悪逆非道の王僐の 頂喴に君臨するは 十四の王女様 絢爛豪華な調度品 顔のよく似た召使 愛馬の名前はジョセフィーヌ 全てが全て彼女のもの お金が足りなくなったなら 愚民どもから搾りとれ 私に逆らう者たちは 粛清してしまえ 「さあ、ひざまずきなさい!」 悪の華 可憐に鈺く 鮮やかな彩りで 周りの哀れな雑草は 嗚呼 養分となり朽ちていく 暴君王女が戀するは 海の向こうの青い人 だけども彼は揞僐の 緑の女にひとめぼれ 嫉撶に狂った王女様 ある日大臣を呼び出して 靜かな褲で言いました 「緑の僐を滅ぼしなさい」 幾多の家が焼き払われ 幾多の命が消えていく 苦しむ人々の嘆きは 王女には茝かない 「あら、おやつの時間だわ」 悪の華 可憐に鈺く 狂おしい彩りで とても美しい花なのに 嗚呼 棘が多すぎて觸れない 悪の王女を倒すべく ついに人々は立ち上がる 烏合の彼らを率いるは 赤き鎧の女剣士 つもりにつもったその怒り 僐全體を包み⑸んだ 長年の戦で疲れた 兵士たちなど敵ではない ついに王宮は囲まれて 家臣たちも逃げ出した 可愛く可憐な王女様 ついに捕らえられた 「この 無臁者!」 悪の華 可憐に鈺く 悲しげな彩りで 彼女のための楽園は 嗚呼 もろくもはかなく崩れてく むかしむかしあるところに 悪逆非道の王僐の 頂喴に君臨してた 十四の王女様 處刑の時間は午後三時 教縛の鍾が鳴る時間 王女と呼ばれたその人は 一人牢屋で何を思う ついにその時はやってきて 終わりを告げる鍾が鳴る 民瀧などには目もくれず 彼女はこういった 「あら、おやつの時間だわ」 悪の華 可憐に散る 鮮やかな彩りで のちの人々はこう語る 嗚呼 彼女は正に悪ノ娘 ---------------- ( saa , hizamazukinasai mukasi aru tokoro ni aku hidou no oukoku no chouten kimirin suruwa rei juuyon no sama gouka na choudohin kao noyoku nita no namae wa josefi^nu subete ga subete nomono o kin ga nakimiattanara gumin shibori tore watashi ni u mono tachiwa shukusei shiteshimae saa , hizamazukinasai !) no hana karen ni saku sen yakana de mawari no aware na wa youbun tonari kuchi teiku boukimi oujo koisuru wa umi no mukou aoi nin dakedomo ringoku no midori no onna shitto ni kurutta sama aru nichidai shin yobidashi te shizuka koe de ii mashita ( no kimii wo horobo shinasai ) no ie ga yakiharawa re ikuta inochi ga kie teiku kurushi mu hitobito nageki wa oujo todoka nai ( ara , oyatsuno dawa ) aku hana karen ni saku kuruo irodori de totemo i hana nanoni aa ga oosu gite furena i no oujo wo taosu beku hitobito wa tachiaga ru akaki no onna kenshi tsumorinitsumottasono ikari wo tsutsumi kon da naganen no de tsukare ta heishi tachinado dewanai tsuini wa kakoma rete kashin tachimo nigedashi kawai karen na sama tsuini tora erareta ( kono !) aku no hana ni saku kanashi gena irodori notameno rakuen wa aa kuzure teku mukashimukashiarutokoroni aku gyaku hidou oukoku no chouten kimirin shiteta juuyon no oujo sama shokei no jikan wa sanji kyoukai no ga naru jikan oujo to yoba nin wa hitori de naniwo omou tsuinisono toki wayattekite owari wo tsuge ru kane naru minshuu nadoniwa me kanojo wakouitta ( ara , oyatsuno jikan ) aku hana karen ni chiru yakana irodori de nochino wakou kataru aa kanojo masani aku no musume ---------------------- Long long time ago in some was The kingdom of treacherous And there reign in apex princess of age 14. Gorgeous luxurious furniture. servant who had quite similar face. Name of beloved was Josephine. Everything was all If money lacks, Squeeze out from the foolish As for the people who to me. Clean up. "Now, knee down!!" Evil flower, Blooms dainty. With vivid coloration, As for pitiful weeds Oh nutrient and (now) decaying off. The tyrant princess's love a Man of blue in side of the sea. However, as for him neighboring country's Woman of was the love in first sight. Princess mad with One day calls minister and Said it in a quiet "Ruin country of green." Numerous houses burned Numerous were going out. Grief of the suffering Does not the princess. "Oh, time the snack." Evil flower, Blooms dainty In maniacal coloration. Although it is very beautiful flower Oh there's too much thorn it be touched. order to defeat the evil princess, finally stands up. Led crowd no more then a bevy of was a Lady swordsman of armor. The anger that had piled and (Now) Wrapped up the whole Worn from war, The soldiers were not an enemy at the court was surrounded and Servants too run Lovely dainty princess, Finally, was caught. "(How disrespectful a Evil flower, Blooms dainty In doleful coloration. Paradise for her, Oh, collapsing but fleetingly. Long long time ago in some was The of treacherous inhumanity, And reign in apex was The princess of 14. Time of execution was o'clock in the afternoon, The time when the bell of the sounds. The person who was called princess... What thought does she have in prison. Finally, time arrives. The which announces the end rings. Not any eyes to the populace, - She - this. "Oh, time for snack." Evil flower, Scatters dainty In vivid coloration. The people later-day talk (of her) as such, Oh she was truly the of evil.