Best of Me - Daniel Powter

Bản dịch của: thythy

Best of me

I wasn't mean the wrong way
Won't you do me the right way
Where you gonna be tonight
Coz I won't stay too long

Maybe you're the light for me
When you talk to me it strikes me
Won't somebody help me
Coz I don't feel too strong

Was there something that I said
Was there something that I did
Or the combination I broke that did me in

You know I'm hoping you sing alone
Though it's not your favorite song
Don't wanna be the wind just nothing left to say
You know that someone those spin again
When you do you need a friend
Don't wanna be the wind just nothing left for me
And I hate the thought finally been erased
Baby that's the best of me

Everything's behind you
but the hopeless sign's beside you
Living in every moment
Have I wasted all your time

Was there something that I said
Was there something that I did
Or the combination I broke that did me in

You know I'm hoping you sing alone
Though it's not your favorite song
Don't wanna be the wind just nothing left to say
You know that someone those spin again
When you do you need a friend
Don't wanna be the wind just nothing left for me
And I hate the thought finally been erased
Baby that's the best of me
Baby that's the best of me

You know I'm hoping you sing alone
Though it's not your favorite song
Don't wanna be the wind just nothing left to say
You know that someone those spin again
When you do you need a friend
Don't wanna be the wind just nothing left for me
And I hate the thought finally been erased
Baby that's the best of me

Anh da di sai duong
Anh ko muon em chi dan cho anh con duong dung
Noi ma em da ra di toi nay
Vi anh se ko noi qua dai
Co le em la anh sang cua doi anh
Khi em noi voi anh, dieu do duong nhu lam anh bat ngo
Ko mot ai giup anh ca
Vi anh ko co cam giac manh me
Vi mot vai dieu ma anh noi
Vi mot vai dieu anh lam
Hoac do la su ket hop cua hai dieu do da lam anh sai lam

Em biet ko anh hi vong la se cung hat
Anh biet do ko phai la bai hat ma em yeu thich
Dung o noi day khi ma noi nay ko co gi de noi
Em biet ko co mot vai dieu gi xay ra giua chung ta va no nhu ko dc vung vang
Khi em lam dieu do, em can mot nguoi ban
Dung nen o day khi ma noi nay ko co gi la cho anh
Va anh ghet phai suy nghi, roi ket luan dieu do va phai xoa no di, em yeu do la dieu tot nhat cua anh

Moi thu nhu o dang sau em
Nhung hi vong se o do va lion ben canh em va no ton tai trong moi thoi gian cho du la ngan nhat khi ma anh tieu phi het ca thoi gian cua em
Vi mot vai dieu anh noi
Vi mot vai dieu anh lam
Hoac do la su ket hop ma anh da pha huy no

11 bản dịch khác

Nam (sửa.
Kenny Hà
Hanh nguye.